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DPLS1200 – Light shield ring for "series 1200" size light heads


This is the light shield ring fitted for "1200" size light head models (like DLH1200D, DLH1000T, DLED12, DLED30).

Dedolight is known for providing users the ability to control light from a massively optimized dual aspheric lens light system. While the light shield ring might seem like a small addition to this commitment of optimization and control, it's an important foundational accessories which make dedolights so quick and simple to use. If you are not using them, you should start.

  • Cut down on stray light between the accessory slot (ex: barn doors) and the light head
  • Save time by using the light shield ring as a guide to slide other accessories, like the intensifiers or DP1200 projectors
Price: 32,00 € 
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